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Ph.D.-forsvar om jødedom ude og hjemme

TIME: Friday, 25 November, 13.00 (1.00 p.m.)

VENUE: Roskilde University, Auditorium building 25, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

The Graduate School of International Development Studies is pleased to announce Danny Moses Raymond´s Ph.D. defence.

Based on his Ph.D. dissertation: “Jewish Diasporas and Migrant Settlers on the West Bank” he will give a lecture on:

TIME: Friday, 25 November, 13.00 (1.00 p.m.)

VENUE: Roskilde University, Auditorium building 25, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

The Graduate School of International Development Studies is pleased to announce Danny Moses Raymond´s Ph.D. defence.

Based on his Ph.D. dissertation: “Jewish Diasporas and Migrant Settlers on the West Bank” he will give a lecture on:

Discuss the methodological approach in the thesis, including the problems, strengths and weaknesses in using life story narratives for research into ontological security and long distance politics regarding Jewish diaspora identity formation and influence on settler radicalization in occupied territories.

The Assessment Committee members are:
Daniel Fleming, Associate Professor, RUC
Nina Nyberg Sørensen, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen
Yossi Shain, Professor, Georgetown University

Main supervisor: Professor Christian Lund
Second supervisor: Senior Researcher Finn Stepputat, DIIS

The defence will be followed by a small reception hosted by the Graduate School in building 23.2.