

Arrangør: N/A

PhD-forsvar om reformprocessen i Marokko

Time: Friday 11 June, at 1 pm (kl. 13) – doors will be closed at exactly 1 pm

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 120, 2300 Kbn S – Auditorium 23.0.49.

Time: Friday 11 June, at 1 pm (kl. 13) – doors will be closed at exactly 1 pm

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 120, 2300 Kbn S – Auditorium 23.0.49.

Members of the Assessment Committee: Professor Catharina Raudvere (Chair), University of Copenhagen; Professor, Dr. Oliver Schlumberger, Tübingen University, and Associate Professor Inga Brandell, Södertörn University.

Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the DCISM library; the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Snorresgade 17-19, 2300 Copenhagen S