

Arrangør: N/A

PhD-workshop: Hvordan kan vi studere sammenhængen mellem demokrati og ulighed?

Time: Wednesday 27 April at 13 – 16 hours and Thursday 28 April at 9 – 17 hours

Venue: Roskilde University, building 25.1 and 23.2 (kort over campus)

The training workshop is open for PhD students and other interested researchers, including thesis-writing master`s students who are preparing a PhD proposal.

Time: Wednesday 27 April at 13 – 16 hours and Thursday 28 April at 9 – 17 hours

Venue: Roskilde University, building 25.1 and 23.2 (kort over campus)

The training workshop is open for PhD students and other interested researchers, including thesis-writing master`s students who are preparing a PhD proposal.


Wednesday in Building 25.1

13 – 16
Lecture by Patrick Heller on: Democratic deepening in Brazil, India and South Africa: Towards a comparative perspective

Brazil, India and South Africa are three of the most successful cases of consolidated democracy in the developing world. They are also characterized by deep and durable social inequalities.

The resulting gap between legal equality and factual inequality threatens both the stability of democratic order and the prospects for democratic deepening.

This talk develops the general outline of a comparative analysis of divergent trajectories of democratic deepening in these three countries and makes a case for a sociological perspective on democratization.

Thursday in Building 23.2

9.00 – 9.30
Opening of workshop by Preben Kaarsholm

9.30 – 10.30
Lecture by Patrick Heller on “Methodolodical issues involved in the comparative study of democratic deepening, inequality and development”.

11.00 – 12.30
Discussion of abstracts or papers presented by the participants, led by Patrick Heller

13.30 – 17.00
Continued discussion, led by Patrick Heller

Participants are asked to register with the administrator of the Graduate School ­ Inge Jensen ­ on [email protected]
Short papers for discussion at the workshop (max 3000 words) will be due for submission to Inge Jensen at the e-mail address [email protected] before the deadline of 18 April 2011.

Convener: Preben Kaarsholm ­ [email protected]

Patrick Heller

Patrick Heller is Professor of Sociology and International Studies at Brown University.

He is the Director of the Watson Institute`s Graduate Program in Development. His current areas of research are the comparative study of democratic deepening and the dynamics and effects of inequality in the global south.

He is the author of The Labor of Development (Cornell University Press, 1999) which examines the role of subordinate classes in the transformation to capitalism in the Indian state of Kerala.

He is also the co-author ­ with Marc Edelman, Richard Sandbrook and Judith Teichman ­of Social Democracy in the Periphery (Cambridge, 2007). He has written on a range of topics on India, South Africa and Brazil, including democratic consolidation, the politics of decentralization, local democracy and social movements.

Heller is currently leading a four-year research project on the post-apartheid city. The project uses both GIS data and qualitative fieldwork to examine the impact of planned transformation on the racial and economic reconfiguration of South Africa¹s three largest cities.

With Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Marcelo Silva he is finishing work on a book that evaluates the impact of institutional reforms in Brazilian cities, focusing in particular on the role of civil society.

His long-term project is to re-evaluate the relationship between development, democracy and civil society through a comparative analysis of India, Brazil and South Africa.


2007. Social Democracy in the Global Periphery: Origins and Prospects (Co-authored with Richard Sandbrook, Marc Edelman and Judith Teichman). Cambridge University Press.

2009. “Dependency and Development in a Globalized World,” (with Dietrich Rueschemeyer and Richard Snyder). Studies in Comparative and International Development, 44:4.

2009. “Democratic Deepening in India and South Africa,” Journal of Asian and African Studies, 41:4, pp. 123-149.

2008. “Making Space for Civil Society: Institutional Reform and Local Democracy in Brazil,” (with Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Marcelo Kunrath Silva) Social Forces, 86:3, pp. 911-936.

2007. “Building Local Democracy: Evaluating the Impact of Decentralization in Kerala, India,” (first author with K.N. Harilal and Shubham Chaudhuri) World Development, 35:4, pp. 626-648.