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Pre-conference session on Noncommunicable Diseases – A Critical European Perspective

TIME: Thursday 10 november, 9:00-11:15

VENUE: Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, 2300 København S

TIME: Thursday 10 november, 9:00-11:15

VENUE: Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, 2300 København S

The pre-conference session will investigate the Action Plan for the Implementation of the WHO European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in relation to the UN High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases. The following themes will be explored:

• How can social determinants be directly addressed in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases – and who is responsible?
• Is the balance right between individualized and community-based approaches?
• What kind of research is needed to support the plans?
• How do we get the right balance between preventive and curative services?
• What is the role of the industry in implementing plans?

Key note speakers:

• Dr Gauden Galea, WHO Regional Office for Europe
• Sir Michael Marmot, University College London
• Professor Bjarne Bruun Jensen, Steno Diabetes Center
• Professor Maximilian de Courten, University of Copenhagen
• Dr Stig Pramming, Pramming Consult

Further information and registration on http://globalhealth.ku.dk/pre-eupha/