

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Breaking the Silence – generating social development through media

TID: Fredag d. 13. april kl. 9 – 14

STED: Vartov (Hjørnestuen), Farvergade 27, København K

Seminaret henvender sig til alle der har interesse i medier og udvikling, børn og unge samt i bekæmpelse af HIV/AIDS.

Media and social development:

TID: Fredag d. 13. april kl. 9 – 14

STED: Vartov (Hjørnestuen), Farvergade 27, København K

Seminaret henvender sig til alle der har interesse i medier og udvikling, børn og unge samt i bekæmpelse af HIV/AIDS.

Media and social development:
Being the dominant mass-medium in Africa with the widest geographical reach and the highest audience radio seems to have proven itself as a powerful tool for social development and information dissemination, especially among the hard-to-reach rural audiences.
The seminar presents project documentation and discusses potentials and limitations using radio as a media for social development.


9.00 – 9.10: Welcome by ADRA Burundi and the Breaking the Silence project

9.15 – 10.00: Introduction to Burundi and the radio project where children have been communicating the message of HIV/AIDS and reproductive health rights. By project coordinator Fabien Bakundukize

10.00 – 10.45: Lessons learned: Advantages, possibilities and challenges in promoting social development targeting children and youth through the use of radio. By external project consultant, Birgitte Jallov

10.45 – 11.00: Short coffee break

11.00 – 11.45: Keep talking – research and documentation: Radio as a transformation tool for young participants in the Children’s Listener Clubs and how the participants will remain change agents after the completion of the project. Presentation by anthropologist Marie Sønderup Kolling

11.45 – 13.00: Communicating social development through media. Cases from: Jordan; Henrik Grunnet, Senior Media Advisor, International Media Support. Glocal NORMAD; Norbert Wildermuth, Ph.D., Associate professor, RUC. Malawi; Michael Usi, Programme Manager, ADRA Malawi, Ph.D. student.Followed by panel discussion on potentials and limitations using media for social development:
• Do media (radio, TV, digital media) provide a platform for mar ginalized groups to voice their views, concerns and ideas?
• How is passive information turned into action creating social development among the audience?
• How do we make sure that our messages have an audience and that our media activities are commercial viable?
Panelists: Fabien Bakundukize, Michael Usi, Birgitte Jallov, Henrik Grunnet and Norbert Wildermuth

13.00 – 14.00: Concluding remarks followed by lunch

Se mere: www.adra.dk
Tilmelding senest 10. april
For tilmelding og yderligere oplysning, kontakt: Dorthe Skovgaard, tlf.: 23 92 13 40, e-mail: [email protected]