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Seminar: Brug af international politisk økonomi til at forstå governance i et nord-syd perspektiv

TIME: Thursday, 31 May, 13.15 – 15.00 – Friday, 1 June, 13.15 – 18.15

VENUE: Department of Society and Globalisation, building 23 Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

What can be gained from the interface between International Political Economy (IPE), International Relations, Global Politics and Post-Colonial Theory?

TIME: Thursday, 31 May, 13.15 – 15.00 – Friday, 1 June, 13.15 – 18.15

VENUE: Department of Society and Globalisation, building 23 Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

What can be gained from the interface between International Political Economy (IPE), International Relations, Global Politics and Post-Colonial Theory?

How do macro-level theories contribute to our knowledge of proc- esses of globalization, inequality and marginalization and how do these inform case and variable oriented approaches in research?

The speakers in this 2-day IPE-seminar have all published recent books in IPE that interrogate North-South relations in different and provocative ways.

Whether considering institutional change, state relations, standardization and rule making, or governance between discourses and people, IPE shapes important questions.

But it also must be informed by other critical perspectives if it is to maintain the ability to ana- lyze the ongoing processes of globalization, its actors and implications.


May 31:

13.15-14.00: Presentation by Tim Shaw: Africa’s Renaissance & the BRICS: More/Less
Developmental versus Fragile/Failed States? Tim Shaw is Visiting Professor at Aalborg University, Adjunct Pro- fessor at Carleton University, and Visiting Professor in the McCor- mack Graduate School at UMass in Boston.

14.00-15.00: Open Discussion; Peter Kragelund facilitator

June 1:

13.15-14.00: Presentation by Stefano Ponte: Changing the Rules of North-South Governance: Standards, Stakeholders and Limitations of Regulation. Stefano Ponte is Professor of International Political Economy at the Copenhagen Business School and Head of research unit at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS).

14.00-15.00: Discussion; Laurids Lauridsen facilitator

15.00-15.15: Coffee

15.30-16.15 Presentation by Jane Parpart: Engendering (In)Security and Conflict: Toward a Critical IR of North-South Relations. Jane Parpart is Visiting Professor at Aalborg University, and Professor emeritus from Dalhousie.

16.15-17.00: Discussion; Laura Horn facilititator

17.00-17.15: Conclusion: Lisa Ann Richey

17.15-18.15: Reception for all Participants and Guests

Registration to Inge Jensen ([email protected]) no later than Thursday the 24th of May.

Further information: http://www.ruc.dk/en/departments/department-of-society-and-globalisation