

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Business og Udvikling i Sydøstasien

Time: Wednesday, 27 April 2011 at 13 -15 hours

Venue: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, ground floor, Strandgade 71, Christianshavn, 1401 Kbn K


Until the 1980s, political scientists and sociologists studying economic development attempted to explain why growth did not occur, occurred slowly or occurred in a distorted, dependent form.

Time: Wednesday, 27 April 2011 at 13 -15 hours

Venue: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, ground floor, Strandgade 71, Christianshavn, 1401 Kbn K


Until the 1980s, political scientists and sociologists studying economic development attempted to explain why growth did not occur, occurred slowly or occurred in a distorted, dependent form.

The impressive economic performances of the East Asian newly industrialized countries changed that, as many scholars turned their attention to the political bases of development rather than underdevelopment.

In the 1990s, there followed a river of research into the East Asian Miracle. Common to many of these studies was the belief that growth-promoting economic policies require certain types of domestic political institutions.

Early analysts emphasized the utility of strong states. However, other scholars called for an institutionalist approach that went beyond statism.

Richard Doner was at the forefront of this critique of statism and the founding of the business-state relations approach. He emphasized the need to overcome collective action problems in the industrialization process, that such problems were overcome through private sector and public sector arrangements, and that these arrangements were the product of a particular politics.

He has continued working on these issues, paying particular attention to the developmental benefits of organized business representation, especially business associations, in consultation with government officials.

Drawing on his most recent research, Richard Doner will assess these alleged benefits and the political factors that account for developmentally productive associations from sectoral cases in Thailand and Malaysia.

Richard Doner will give the fifth seminar in the Business-State Relations and Economic Development seminar series being held this spring at DIIS.

* Richard Doner, Professor of Political Science, Emory University, USA
* Lindsay Whitfield, Project Senior Researcher, DIIS

12.30 – 13.00
Arrival and Coffee

Business Associations and Development in Globalizing Southeast Asia – Richard Doner, Professor of Political Science, Emory University, USA

Open Discussion

Chair: Lindsay Whitfield, Project Senior Researcher, DIIS

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form.

And do so no later than Tuesday, 26 April at 12.00 noon.

Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS for participation.

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), The Conference Section, Strandgade 56, 1401 Kbn K, tlf. 32 69 87 51, e-mail: [email protected] og web: www.diis.dk