

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Demokratiske processer, sociale bevægelser og deres medier

TIME: Wednesday, 30 november, 14-16

VENUE: Roskilde University, Room 43.3.29 (building 43), Universitetsvej 1, Trekroner, 4000 Roskilde

TIME: Wednesday, 30 november, 14-16

VENUE: Roskilde University, Room 43.3.29 (building 43), Universitetsvej 1, Trekroner, 4000 Roskilde

John D.H. Downing will give a guest lecture at the seminar. Downing is Professor Emeritus & Founding Director, Global Media Research Center, Southern Illinois University; Affiliate Professor, Information and Media Studies, Århus University. Among his recent publications is The Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media.

Professor Downing writes:

Social movement media have a very long history, albeit often overlooked or dismissed. Currently, they are in public focus as perhaps never before. A considerable emphasis in the present has been on digital social networking media, an emphasis which seems to recycle, yet again, the wondrous forecasts concerning new communication technologies which have continually resurfaced over the decades.

Debate has consequently pivoted on a simple Either-Or: are these media a radically fresh opportunity, or merely coincidental – or worse, dangerous new technologies for surveillance agents?

This presentation will explore approaches that permit placing these newer media technologies and ‘legacy’ media in a certain symbiosis. It will also address the crucial but usually neglected issue of time-frame in discussions of media roles, democratization and the democratic deficit, and social movements. Transnational revolts arising during the year 2011 will be drawn upon for illustrations and arguments.

I will first address the problem of democratic process; then proceed to discuss social movements and their media; and conclude with reflections on some frequent assumptions about timescale and political and social change.

The seminar is open for all. Please register here.