

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Helmand og hinsides – fremtiden for udviklingsbistand i stabiliseringsoperationer

TIME: Tuesday, 21 February, 10.15-12.00

VENUE: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, Strandgade 71, ground floor, Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen K

The international operation in the Helmand province in Afghanistan has been one of the testing grounds for the use of development aid in the context of open armed conflict or ‘hot stabilization’.

TIME: Tuesday, 21 February, 10.15-12.00

VENUE: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, Strandgade 71, ground floor, Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen K

The international operation in the Helmand province in Afghanistan has been one of the testing grounds for the use of development aid in the context of open armed conflict or ‘hot stabilization’.

With the return of the counter insurgency concept (COIN) and the attempts to develop a Comprehensive Approach to international operations, aid was given an important role in the attempt to gain the support of the population and increase the legitimacy of the central government.

But can the use of aid in this way contribute to more secure conditions for the population or does it increase tensions and risks? What are the limits of using aid in a meaningful way in these contexts? And what is the future of stabilization operations?

Stuart Gordon, one of the most prominent researchers and policy analysts in this field, is visiting Copenhagen to participate in a workshop at CMS about the future Danish development strategy.

After years at the UK Royal Military Academy, he is now at the London School of Economics (LSE). He has been involved in a number of planning and evaluation missions in areas of conflict in Afghanistan, Nepal, Sudan, Ethiopia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and many other conflict-ridden countries.

He co-authored the Helmand Road Map in 2008 as well as the more recent UK strategy paper for 2011-14. He has also been involved in work with Tufts University on the securitization of aid and the implications of stabilization on humanitarian actors.

Stuart Gordon, Department of International Development, LSE
Finn Stepputat, Senior Researcher, DIIS


10.15-10.20: Introduction; Finn Stepputat, Senior Researcher, DIIS

10.20-11.00: Helmand and Beyond; Stuart Gordon, Department of International Development, LSE

11.00-11.15: Coffee Break

11.15-12.00: Open Discussion

Chair: Finn Stepputat, Senior Researcher, DIIS

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form from the website no later than Monday, 20 February at 12.00 noon.

Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS for participation.