

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Nepals nye forfatning – inddragelse som den store udfordring

TIME: Friday, 8 June, 15 – 17

VENUE: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, Strandgade 71, ground floor, Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen K

The Constituent Assembly of Nepal extends its terms once again for three months; according to the agreed schedule, the Constituent Assembly needs to approve a new constitution by 28 May 2012.

TIME: Friday, 8 June, 15 – 17

VENUE: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, Strandgade 71, ground floor, Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen K

The Constituent Assembly of Nepal extends its terms once again for three months; according to the agreed schedule, the Constituent Assembly needs to approve a new constitution by 28 May 2012.

Despite agreement on many crucial issues among major political parties, the reason for this unexpected last minute extension is the ongoing agitations by various ethnic and caste groups which want the new constitution to reflect their aspirations.

After many years of political instability, the introduction of a new constitution will also introduce a new political system, which can hopefully ensure future political stability in Nepal.

One of the major issues in the constitutional process throughout has been how to create a political system which is inclusive towards the different minorities and historically suppressed groups in Nepal, like the Dalits, the Madhesi people and women.

This has proved to be challenging because Nepal has around 103 ethnic and caste groups which speak over 100 languages.

How will the new constitution support the political status of these groups? Is it protecting the rights of these groups at all? How are women’s rights protected in the new constitution? Are Dalits’ political representation secured within the framework of the new constitution?

The speakers at this seminar represent some of the Nepalese politicians who have been deeply involved in the process of drafting the new constitution.


Khim Lal Devkota, member of the Constituent Assembly, UCPN – Maoist, was a member of the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee and has been closely involved in drafting Nepal’s new constitution.

Chitra Lekha Yadav, Treasurer, Nepali Congress, has held several ministerial positions and took a major initiative for adopting the policy of 33% representation of women in parliament.

Parshuram Meghi, Central Committee Member, CPN-UML, has been central in leading debates of federalism inside the UML party.

Jitendra Sonal, Member of the Constituent Assemby, Tarai Medhes Democratic Party (TMLP), has played a key role in the peacemaking process and drafting of the new constitution.

Birgitte Lind Petersen, Postdoc at DIIS, has conducted field work in Nepal for her PhD concerning the implications of the political transition for rural youth, the next generation of citizens


15.00-15.10: Introduction; Bjørn Førde, Director, DIPD

15.10-15.25: The Peace and Constitutional Process; Khim Lal Devkota

15.25-15.40: Women’s Representation – A Challenge in Parties and Parliament; Chitra Lekha

15.40-15.55: Federalism and Local Level Politics; Parshuram Meghi

15.55-16.10: Under-Represented Groups in the New Constitution; Jitendra Sonal

16.10-16.25: Coffee Break

16.25-17.00: Q & A

Chair: Birgitte Lind Petersen, Postdoc, DIIS

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form on the website no later than Thursday, 7 June at 12 noon.

Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS for participation.