

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar om menneskerettigheder: Strafferet og uformel retspleje

TIME: Tuesday, 23 October, 10 – 12

VENUE: DIHR, Strandgade 56, Buildning 8H, Foighel room, Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen K

TIME: Tuesday, 23 October, 10 – 12

VENUE: DIHR, Strandgade 56, Buildning 8H, Foighel room, Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen K

International scholars and experts from will present developments and challenges at the five seminars. This seminar is on “How can Criminal Law work constructively with Informal Justice, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of such application”, with participation from:

– Dr. Steffen Jensen, The Department of Society and Globalization, University of Roskilde
– LLM Ayalew Getachew (RPP) Mekelle University, Faculty of Law, Ethiopia
– Professor Yubaraj Sangroula, Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal
– Discussant: Mr. Caleb Mutandwa, (RPP) Justice for Children Trust, Zimbabwe

All the seminars are in English.

The seminar is free and you don’t need to sign up!