

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Reduktion af CO2-udledning fra skovrydning og skovnedbrydning (REDD+) – forventninger og erfaringer

Time: Wednesday 14 September at 9 – 17 hours

Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen

Time: Wednesday 14 September at 9 – 17 hours

Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen

To mark the International Year of the Forest a one day seminar “REDD+ expectations and experiences” will be held. The aim of the seminar is to examine critical issues that have arisen in the international effort to design and implement mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

Initially put forward as a relatively simple means of mitigating climate change by avoiding deforestation, the expectations associated with REDD+ have steadily increased.

At the same time, it has become increasingly apparent that building a national and international REDD+ mechanism is a lengthy and complex process. The seminar will bring together researchers and practitioners to compare expectations associated with REDD+ with experiences gained from pilot forest carbon initiatives.


Morning session

A series of keynote speakers from different international organisations involved in REDD+ including the World Bank and the UN-REDD programme as well as representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations and indigenous people will introduce the main topics of the seminar.

Afternoon sessions

Critical REDD+ concerns will be presented and discussed in three thematic afternoon sessions:
The first session will examine the challenges associated with monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of forest carbon emissions. A central building block of the REDD+ mechanism, considerable work has been carried out to design effective MRV systems. The role of different actors in these processes and the scope of MRV systems will be analysed based on experiences from different locations.

II. Biodiversity co-benefits
A second session will consider the conservation of biological diversity in connection with the establishment of REDD+ schemes. The challenges associated with enhancing biodiversity conservation using a mechanism which focuses on carbon sequestration will be explored.

III. Livelihood co-benefits
Livelihood co-benefits are envisaged as part and parcel of REDD+ strategies. REDD+ design and operation should ensure that carbon finance and benefits reach often poor forest dependent people and indigenous people. Thus, the issues associated with payment mechanism, benefit sharing and opportunities for sustainable development will be considered.

Poster session
A poster session will be organised related to the thematic sessions. Interested participants should forward title and abstract of their poster to the organisers (see below) together with the name of authors and their institutional affiliation.

Target groups

Researchers, practitioners, and students with an interest in REDD+.


The Technical Advisory Service (TAS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark together with the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), and Forest & Landscape Denmark (FLD) of University of Copenhagen.

Information and registration

Please contact: Charlotte Bukdahl Jacobsen: [email protected] at Forest & Landscape, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Deadline for registration is 31st August 2011.