

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Regional handel i Afrika

TID: Tuesday, 26 June, 13.30 – 16.00

VENUE: Institute of Food and Resource Economics (FØI), University of Copenhagen, Meeting Room, B.S. Jørgensen, Bygning A, 1. sal, Rolighedsvej 25, 1858 Frederiksverg C

TID: Tuesday, 26 June, 13.30 – 16.00

VENUE: Institute of Food and Resource Economics (FØI), University of Copenhagen, Meeting Room, B.S. Jørgensen, Bygning A, 1. sal, Rolighedsvej 25, 1858 Frederiksverg C

Denmark launched a new strategy for development assistance in 2012, with a strong focus on Growth and Employment. With Aid for Trade (in the broad sense) at the centre of Danish development policy, the Danish strategy for Trade and Development was included in the Growth and Employment strategy. One element of the strategy is to support regional economic integration in Africa.

The Task Force for Trade and Development in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has therefore commissioned a study to enhance its knowledge base concerning existing sub-regional economic integration initiatives, including notably the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), for purposes of better understanding the dynamics of these two rapidly changing areas, the emerging patterns, and the opportunities and challenges of these changes.


13.30-13.35: Welcome (Wusheng Yu, FØI)

13.35-13.45: Introduction to the Danish Strategy on Trade and Development and overview of the commissioned study on regional integration in Africa (By the Task Force for Trade and Development in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

13.45-14.25: Regional trade integration in EAC and SADC, the EPA negotiations, and some perspectives for the Tripartite Free Trade Area (Wusheng Yu)

14.25-14.45: Discussion

14.45-15.00: Coffee Break

15.00-15.40: An issue-focused approach to NTB reduction: ideas from the experiences of the EAC and SADC (by Michael Friis Jensen)

15.40-16.00: Discussion

16.00-16.10: Concluding remarks (Michael Friis Jensen)

For participation or further information on the study and/or the seminar, please send a mail to: Michael Friis Jensen ([email protected]), Jytte Blatt Laursen ([email protected]) or Wusheng Yu ([email protected]).