

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Sundhed og finansiering af den sociale sektor i lav- og middelindkomstlande

TIME: Friday, 17 February, 13-16

VENUE: Auditorium GOTH1, Building Æ, Gothersgade 140, Copenhagen, Denmark

Equitable and efficient health care and social protection for underserved and marginalized populations continue to be a challenge globally.

TIME: Friday, 17 February, 13-16

VENUE: Auditorium GOTH1, Building Æ, Gothersgade 140, Copenhagen, Denmark

Equitable and efficient health care and social protection for underserved and marginalized populations continue to be a challenge globally.

Existing models for financing and provider payment are intensely debated (e.g. conditional cash transfer, user fees or performance-based financing), while new ones are developed and tested in specific contexts.

This seminar presents both research and operational experiences with social protection programmes, including conditional cash transfer approaches.

The seminar will present two international speakers with research and programme experience from low and middle-income societies:

Nicola Jones, a Research Fellow, with the Social Development Programme, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in Brighton, England will present the gendered aspects of social protection and discuss examples of social health insurance (mainly Ghana), health subsidies (Vietnam) and the health aspects of cash transfer mechanisms (Peru, Mexico, Chile).

Neil Webster, currently a Decentralisation & Local Governance Adviser with United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) will present UNCDF and the World Bank’s pilot on an innovative approach to delivering a social protection payment/cash transfer. This pilot is linked to schooling, but also potentially to health and other service areas through local government in Nepal.

Registration: Participation is free, but please register with Anne-Sophie Wieland Thorsen [email protected] no later than 15 February

For questions concerning the seminar please contact Britt Tersbøl, [email protected] Study Director of Master of International Health, University of Copenhagen, Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Faculty of Health Sciences