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Stor konference: Cash and Risk

TIME: Monday-Tuesday, 5-6 December, 8-16 both days

VENUE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Conference Center Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk plads 2, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen k

TIME: Monday-Tuesday, 5-6 December, 8-16 both days

VENUE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Conference Center Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk plads 2, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen k

Cash-based assistance is one of the most rapidly growing tools of humanitarian response, and has seen an enormous growth in recent years, from the Indian Ocean Tsunami to the recent drought across the Horn of Africa operation.

Cash-based assistance has exploded in popularity, in part because in many cases it has been found to be a quick, flexible and effective tool, which can also empower and give dignity to the recipient. This change is taking place as part of a larger paradigm shift to focus on the causes of food insecurity, rather than an instrument-driven focus on distributing food.

The credibility of large-scale cash-based assistance in disaster response is finally gaining traction amongst both donors and practitioners, and there is now a wealth of experience and knowledge at both the global and field levels that was simply not there a mere two years ago.

Cash based-assistance has been shown to be a useful tool in both the emergency and recovery phases, and can be applied in a variety of sectors including relief, shelter and livelihoods. Keeping pace with the learning on cash based interventions is a great challenge because of the volume of new research and field operations.

The objective of the conference is to bring together humanitarian organizations, relevant research institutes, and donors to discuss different organizational perspectives on cash transfer interventions as a tool in humanitarian operations. Furthermore, the conference will provide an opportunity to foster learning and sharing of field experience, documenting best practices for the use of cash-based assistance, and identifying areas of interest where further policy and practice research and guidelines are needed.

Finally, the Conference will build on the findings of the Conference, “Risk and Results Management in Development Cooperation – Towards a Common Approach,” organized by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in November 2010, addressing risks and results management, specifically in relation to cash programming.

For full programme, see here.

For more information see www.cashconference.org