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Sufi-musik fra Pakistan: Gonga & Mithu Sain

Tid: Lørdag d. 11. juni / Dørene åbner kl. 21:00

Sted: Spillestedet Global Copenhagen (i gården bag VerdensKulturCentret), Nørre Allé 7 nær Sankt Hans Torv, Nørrebro Kbn

Entré 70 kr. – Køb billet her

About Gonga & Mithu Sain

Percussive trance from one of the finest representatives of Sufi mysticism.

Tid: Lørdag d. 11. juni / Dørene åbner kl. 21:00

Sted: Spillestedet Global Copenhagen (i gården bag VerdensKulturCentret), Nørre Allé 7 nær Sankt Hans Torv, Nørrebro Kbn

Entré 70 kr. – Køb billet her

About Gonga & Mithu Sain

Percussive trance from one of the finest representatives of Sufi mysticism.

He has been deaf since childhood. Yet, Gonga Sain is one of Pakistan’s most acclaimed percussion artists.

Together with his brother Mithu Sain he performs rituals of the spiritual world of Islamic Sufi mysticism, played on Dhol – special drums used for this kind of music since the golden age of Sufi ceremonies between the years 900 and 1400.

With an almost occult sense of rhythm and repetition, the duo creates a magical trance state, almost as otherworldly and enigmatic as the dizzying patterns of a Persian rug.