

Arrangør: N/A

Temamøde: Diversitet, køn og tilpasning til klimaforandringer


TIME: Wednesday, 2 May, 13 – 16


VENUE: CARE Denmark, Nørrebrogade 66c, 1st floor

The meeting is facilitated by Agnes Otzelberger, Global Gender Advisor in CARE Internationals Poverty, Environment and Climate Change Network.
She will discuss how social norms, roles and power relations between different gender, age, socio-­‐economic, ethnic and other groups play an important role in determining people’s vulnerability to climate change, and their capacity to adapt.
Focusing on gender dimensions as a crucial dimension of social inequalities, she will highlight concrete cases and examples illustrating the importance and dimensions of integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in climate change programmes.
Please register by sending an email to network coordinator Tasia Spangsberg Christensen at [email protected] no later than Monday April 30th
The meeting will be held in English.