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Verdensbanken får ny strategi for sin bistand til uddannelse – Invitation til konsultation

Mødet finder sted:

Tid: Torsdag den 17. juni, kl.15 – 17

Sted: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 2200 Kbn N

Tilmelding til mødet senest den 15. juni til Helle Gudmandsen på e-mail [email protected]


Mødet finder sted:

Tid: Torsdag den 17. juni, kl.15 – 17

Sted: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 2200 Kbn N

Tilmelding til mødet senest den 15. juni til Helle Gudmandsen på e-mail [email protected]


The World Bank Group is preparing a new Education Sector Strategy, which is expected to be finalized in November 2010. Grounded in lessons learnt from previous strategies, the new strategy will define and shape the Bank’s work for the next decade (2010-2020).

In a first consultation phase between March and July 2010, the Bank will gauge the views of a wide array of stakeholders and actors working in education. Inputs, comments and feedback from stakeholders will inform the content of new education strategy of the World Bank.

In the first consultation phase the World Bank will ask stakeholders to especially consider the following questions:

1. What are the most important challenges in the education sector in the coming 10 years?
2. What are the major obstacles that stand in the way of meeting these challenges?
3. To be more effective, what should the World Bank change in the way it currently works in education?
4. What should be the role of the World Bank in countries that aim to strengthen their education institutions and systems?
5. How can the World Bank best support the generation and dissemination of evidence about education issues?
6. The Concept Note emphasizes the importance of education for long-term growth, good governance, and the ability of adults to raise healthy and happy children. Do you agree with this emphasis?
7. What other suggestions or comments do you have?

Director of Education in the World Bank’s Human Development Network, Elizabeth King will be leading the consultation meetings in Denmark.

Yderligere oplysninger findes på www.worldbank.org/educationstrategy2020 eller man kan ringe til kampagnekoordinator Helle Gudmandsen, “Hele Verden i Skole”, IBIS på tlf. 35 20 05 29