

Arrangør: N/A

Workshop: Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries

TIME: Tuesday, 10 April, 13 – 16

VENUE: Theory room, building 1, Roskilde University, RUC, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

“Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries” is a partnership between research and higher education institutions in developing countries and Danish universities.

TIME: Tuesday, 10 April, 13 – 16

VENUE: Theory room, building 1, Roskilde University, RUC, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

“Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries” is a partnership between research and higher education institutions in developing countries and Danish universities.

The long-term goal of the initiative is to make the participating institutions stronger. Focus in the first phase of the initiative is on institutional capacity building, including strengthening the capacity and quality of PhD education, strengthening the capacity to undertake research, and disseminating research knowledge to stakeholders.

In its initial stage the initiative comprises cooperation involving the eight universities in Denmark and selected universities in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Nepal.

The BSU initiative is sponsored by Danida and is structured in four thematic platforms:
– Environment and Climate
– Growth and Employment
– Human Health
– Stability, Democracy and Rights

Researchers at RU are involved in the four platforms at different levels and planning of the second phase of the BSU initiative is initiated.

The purpose of the workshop is to present the BSU initiative to researchers, PhD students and students in the final stages of their studies. The workshop is targeted at anyone with an interest in capacity building, developing country research and development issues in a broad sense.


13.00 – 13.15: Arrival and welcome

13.15 – 13.45: Opening speech: “The BSU initiative in relation to other development research activities” – By Tove Degnbol, Head of Department, the Research Unit, Technical Advisory Service, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

13.45 – 14.00: Questions and discussion

14.00 – 14.30: Presentations of the four platforms in BSU:
Platform for Human Health – By Professor (MSO) Lisa Ann Richey, ISG
Platform for Growth and Employment – By Professor Laurids Lauridsen, ISG
Platform for Environment and Climate – By Associate Professor Søren Lund, ENSPAC
Platform for Stability, Democracy and Rights – By Professor (MSO) Preben Kaarsholm, ISG

14.30 – 15.00: Presentation of how RU staff is involved in BSU and discussion of the potential of BSU from RU’s point of view – Presentation by Associate Professor Stephen Carney, PAES -Chaired by Professor Henrik Secher Marcussen, ISG

15.00 – 15.15: Closing of the discussion by chair

15.15 – 16.00: Coffee and Network

For more information visit this website: www.ruc.dk/bsu

Registration: In order to order the correct amount of coffee and beverages, please register for the BSU workshop no later than 28 March by sending an email to [email protected].