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Workshop: Strategier for advocacy for uddannelse

TIME: Monday, 12 December, 9 – 17

VENUE: Vartov (Hjørnestuen), Farvergade 27, 1463 København K

Participants of the workshop will explore the development of advocacy strategies, taking into account key aspects of advocacy carried out with partners in the global South and ways to support national advocacy processes.

TIME: Monday, 12 December, 9 – 17

VENUE: Vartov (Hjørnestuen), Farvergade 27, 1463 København K

Participants of the workshop will explore the development of advocacy strategies, taking into account key aspects of advocacy carried out with partners in the global South and ways to support national advocacy processes.

The workshop will also explore how to combine communications strategies to strengthen the impact of advocacy work. The workshop will be based on the practical application of the concepts learned, through working groups, with an aim to ensure participants apply the concepts learned to their daily work/organization’s ambitions.

Materials will be distributed prior to the workshop and participants are encouraged to fill in an expectations form that will be circulated weeks prior to the workshop.

Elin Martinez is Education Advocacy Advisor at Save the Children, which she joined in 2010. In this capacity, she supports Save the Children’s country programmes to develop national education advocacy strategies and develops and implements international advocacy strategies on the right to education, particularly in emergency situations.

Elin holds an LLB in International Law, with specialization on human rights and IHL, and an LLM in International Criminal Justice and Humanitarian Law. Prior to joining Save the Children, Elin was based in Geneva and worked for Franciscans International, a Catholic human rights NGO.

She specialized in human rights issues in the Asia Pacific region, using human rights mechanisms to highlight rights violations in the region. In this capacity she has worked with many faith-based groups to apply human rights based approaches to their work and develop advocacy strategies, and has facilitated many advocacy workshops in the Asia Pacific region.

The workshop will be held in English and is open only to member organisations in Uddannelsesnetværket (staff, volunteers and members).

Lunch and tea/coffee will be served during the workshop.

Registration: By December 5th at the latest here.