Skrotning af skibe – nye regler på vej
A new international convention on ship recycling is to be considered for adoption at a diplomatic conference to be held…
11. maj 2009 | Asien -
Laos vil tillade lokale NGOer
VIENTIANE, May 11: By November this year Lao citizens will be able to apply to form Non-Governmental Organisations, after a…
11. maj 2009 | Asien -
Red Barnet hjælper pakistanske flygtninge
Red Barnet sender nu hjælp til de flere hundrede tusinde mennesker, der er drevet på flugt i det, FN betegner…
11. maj 2009 | Asien -
IMF “Economic outlook” for Mellemøsten og Central Asien
WASHINGTON, 10 May 2009: The global crisis is now affecting the countries in the Middle East and Central Asia region,…
Flere FN-folk til det nordlige Afghanistan
NEW YORK, 9 May 2009: The United Nations opened its 20th office in the northern Sar-i-Pul province of Afghanistan on…
10. maj 2009 | Asien -
FN eksperter: Akut behov for international overvågning af situationen i Sri Lanka
GENEVE, 8 May 2009: A group of independent United Nations experts Friday called on the Human Rights Council to urgently…
9. maj 2009 | Asien -
UNHCR: Hundredtusinder civile på flugt i det nordlige Pakistan
MARDAN DISTRICT, Pakistan, May 8 (UNHCR): The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said Friday there was a situation of “massive displacement”…
9. maj 2009 | Asien -
Nollywood konkurrerer med Bollywood
PARIS, 6 May 2009: India remains the world’s leading film producer but Nigeria is closing the gap after overtaking the…
HRW: Stop overgreb på pårørende fra jordskælvet i Sichuan
New York, 6 May, 2009 (HRW)- The Chinese government should mark the first anniversary of the devastating May 12, 2008,…
6. maj 2009 | Asien -
Turkmenistan: Politisk fange fri efter 14 år
NEW YORK, 6 May, 2009 (HRW) – A Turkmen political prisoner, Mukhametkuli Aymuradov, was freed on May 2, 2009 after…
6. maj 2009 | Asien