Kenyansk minister arresteret for vold

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Den kenyanske viceminister for husdyr Dhadho Godhana blev onsdag arresteret i det sydøstlige Kenya, Tana River distriktet, for involvering i vold, meddeler AfricaNews. Området har før været plaget at etniske konflikter.

Last week, Godhana recorded a statement with the police after being accused by members of parliament over his alleged involvement in the killings that have seen the government come under heavy criticism over the way it has been handling the worst form of violence since the post election crisis.Acting Internal Security Minister Yusuf haji, had ordered the police to investigate Godhana, who is also a retired army major.

Godhana has been publicly rejecting reconciliatory talks between the Orma and the Pokomo, saying that as long as Haji is present, he would not be part of the talks. he had also accused Minister Haji for being behind the violence. Godhana’s arrest comes in the wake of president Kibaki’s call for the arrest of all those involved in fanning the violence in the Tana delta region, a call that many have seen as too little, too late.

Meanwhile, the Kenyan parliament has passed a motion that will compelling the president to sent the Kenya defense Forces to the Tana delta region. If passed, then this will see the government send members of the KDF to quell the violence in the region, just like it did in the MT Elgon area. The motion is awaiting the presidential approval.