Libyens oprørere har planen klar for vejen mod demokrati

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Oprørerne mod Muammar Gaddafi har nu lagt en plan for et fremtidigt demokratisk Libyen

Libya’s opposition has set out a political “road map” for the country if and when Col Gaddafi falls from power, BBC online reports Friday.

Mahmoud Jibril, a member of the rebels’ Transitional National Council (NTC), also welcomed an aid plan approved by the 22-nation contact group on Libya.

Mr Jibril explained that an interim government would immediately take over to provide day-to-day governance and keep order. It would comprise members from the NTC, technocrats from the Gaddafi regime, senior military and intelligence officers and a supreme court judge, he said.

A constitution would be drawn up and put to a referendum, followed a few months later by parliamentary and presidential elections.

He said that the NTC would “shortly” be asking the United Nations to oversee municipal elections in current rebel-held areas.

At the meeting, Mr Jibril also welcomed as a “good start” plans by the international contact group to set up a temporary fund to provide humanitarian assistance in rebel-held areas.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that the US is trying to free more than 30 billion US dollar (150 milliarder DKR) it had frozen in Libyan assets, making it “available to help the Libyan people”.

Rebel forces in Libya hold much of the east of the country, around Benghazi, while Col Gaddafi holds most of the west.