Nødhjælp styret af politiske interesser

Forfatter billede

Et globalt nødhjælpsindeks afslører, at flere donorlande lader egne politiske interesser dirigere den nødhjælp, de giver.

Det fremgår af DARA’s “Humanitarian Response Index” 2010, der har undersøgt og lister 23 ledende donorlandes indsats i 14 krise- og katastrofesituationer. I 10 tilfælde påvirkede politiske interesser beslutninger om nødhjælp.

Det skriver den internationale organisation, der evaluerer humanitær bistand, i en pressemeddelelse tirsdag.

A significant number of humanitarian organizations believe that donor governments are not keeping humanitarian assistance independent of political, economic or military objectives, according to DARA’s Humanitarian Response Index 2010 report, launched today during the European Development Days in Brussels.

The Report urges governments to go “back to basics”: support neutral, independent humanitarian aid based on assistance and protection needs of affected populations, and also invest further in prevention.

Danmark præmieres for god opførsel

Denmark, Ireland and New Zealand lead the Humanitarian Response Index 2010, followed by Norway, Sweden and the European Commission. These donors do well in prioritizing the needs of people in crisis areas and keeping aid independent of other objectives. Nevertheless, challenges persist across all 23 donor governments analyzed.

Denmark is ranked first this year reflecting its overall good performance at applying humanitarian principles and good practice in its aid. Denmark stands out for its support for greater accountability in humanitarian action, and for its generous and equitable support to UN, Red Cross Red Crescent and NGO organizations, funding well over its “fair share” of overall humanitarian needs.

Indenrigspolitik kan spænde ben for bistanden

However, there are concerns that domestic political issues might compromise providing aid based on needs. The report encourages Denmark to continue to dialogue with its partners on ways to increase its support for reconstruction and prevention.

“Political agendas have impeded the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance to millions of people in need,” said Ross Mountain, Director General of DARA and Former Humanitarian Coordinator and Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the Democratic Republic of the Congo – the world’s largest humanitarian and development programme to date.

Læs hele rapporten på: www.daraint.org