Nordiska Afrikainstitutet i Uppsala søger programkoordinator


The Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden: Vacancy announcement

Programme co-ordinator for the research programme “Post-Conflict Transition in African States: The State and the Civil Society”

Closing date for applications: 30 April 2004

The core research programmes of the institute are thematic in character and involve inter-disciplinary network building. They shall be based on co-operation between Nordic and African researchers with the aims of producing new knowledge and improved understanding of issues central to contemporary Africa. They shall aim at stimulating both academic and public debate on Africa.

Financial terms

The core funding of the programmes covers salaries for the programme co-ordinator and programme assistance (half time), a set budget for travel, conference attendance, field work and other expenses including costs for seminars and publications. Activities requiring finances beyond the budget allocations will have to be funded from external resources.

Programme co-ordinator

The Programme co-ordinator shall:
Develop the programme based on the programme document.
Be responsible for the implementation of the programme.
Develop networks of African and Nordic researchers.
Conduct own research within the programme.
Arrange seminars and publish research results.
Contract period will be three years with the possibility of a three-year extension. Salary is negotiable but oriented at the existing levels at the Institute.

Principal qualifications

Candidates should have a background in the Social Sciences or Humanities.
Advanced university degree and several years of continuous
academic work.
Experience of research related to the programme in question.
Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Experience of research co-ordination.
Excellent knowledge of English.
Good knowledge of and contacts with Nordic and African
researchers and research institutions.
Additional qualifications

Working knowledge of a Scandinavian language and French or Portuguese.

The application should contain:
A. a proposal developing a programme document based on the outline of the programme being advertised in a maximum of 10 pages regarding:
1. research questions, problems, methodology and theory
2. network strategies towards Africa and the Nordic countries
3. a strategy for dissemination of research results
B. a complete CV with a list of publications
C. three of the applicants own publications (in three copies each) relating to the research programme in question
D. a completed application form and names and addresses (phone, fax, e-mail) of two referees

More information and application form

Contact persons: Henning Melber, Research director, phone 00 46 18 56 22 20 and Eva-Lena Svensson, Staff Manager, phone 00 46 18 56 22 12.

The Institute is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy in employment.