Ny FN-status: 125 mio. må kæmpe fra dag til dag for at overleve

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

I maj mødes verdens ledere i Istanbul til et humanitært topmøde, og i den nye rapport kommer FN med anbefalinger til, hvordan man kan løse de problemer, verden står overfor.

125 millioner lever i områder, der er hærget af krige eller naturkatastrofer, og må kæmpe fra dag til dag for at overleve.

60 millioner er blevet tvunget til at flygte fra deres hjem, hvilket er det højeste tal siden Anden Verdenskrig.

På verdensplan bliver der brugt 25 milliarder amerikanske dollar på humanitær bistand om året. Det beløb er 12 gange højere end for 50 år siden. Alligevel har hjælpen aldrig været mere utilstrækkelig, konkluderer rapporten.

Tidsalder af megakriser

FNs Nyhedstjeneste skriver udbyggende søndag, at vi lever i en “tidsalder af megakriser”:

Highlighting that people around the world are living at an age of “mega-crises,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Sunday welcomed the launch of a new report on finding solutions to the growing gap between the increasing numbers of people in need of assistance and sufficient resources to provide relief.

“Globally, the world is shattering records we would never wish to break,” Mr. Ban said in Dubai at the release of the High-Level Panel report on Humanitarian Financing, entitled “Too important to fail – addressing the humanitarian financing gap.”

“We are seeing all-time-high numbers for the amounts of money requested through humanitarian appeals, the amounts raised from generous donors, and scale of the global humanitarian funding gap,” he continued.

“That is why, in May last year, I asked a high level panel of eminent independent experts to urgently seek solutions to the funding gap.”

The UN chief met with the panellists to discuss their recommendations to tackle the estimated 15 billion US dollar (92 milliarder DKR) shortfall in funding.

He underlined that since they began their work, the needs created by the demand for humanitarian aid have continued to rise dramatically.

“We are living in the age of the mega-crises,” he stated. “But, as this report clearly demonstrates, the gap in funding is a solvable problem.”

“Vi hverken kan eller må fejle”

Noting that the report's title indicates that the global community “simply cannot fail,” the Secretary-General said the world needs “fresh thinking and the determination to take bold decisions.”

“In a few weeks I will publish my report and vision for the future humanitarian agenda. I will build on the excellent report launched today to shape this important thinking.”

The report focuses on three areas to address the funding gap: shrinking the needs, growing the resource base for funding, and improving efficiency through a “Grand Bargain” between key humanitarian partners.

To reach their conclusions, the panel conducted hundreds of interviews with all parts of the humanitarian ecosystem, including meetings with affected people in ongoing crises.

“Our starting point was the stark facts and figures: 125 million people in need; a record 25 billion dollar a year going to aid them; but, in spite of that, the needs continuing to outpace resources,” explained the report's co-chairs, Kristalina Georgieva, Vice- President of the European Commission, and Sultan Nazrin Shah of Malaysia.

“A gap of 15 billion dollar is a lot of money but in a world producing 78 trillion dollar of GDP it should not be out of reach to find,” they added.

“Closing the gap would mean nobody having to die or live without dignity for lack of money and a victory for humanity at a time when one is greatly needed.”

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