Ny lov styrker kvinder i Sierra Leone

Forfatter billede

En ny national lov i Sierra Leone skal gøre det nemmere for kvinder at tage del i den økonomiske udvikling i landet. Et hold FN-repræsentanter er rejst til landet for at sætte internationalt fokus på loven.

FREETOWN, 6 March, 2013 (UN News Service): Ahead of International Women’s Day, a team of United Nations agency representatives arrived in Sierra Leone Wednesday to support gender equality and to gain international attention for a new national policy meant to recognize the critical role of women in achieving broad-based economic growth and consolidating peace efforts.

During the visit, the UN officials will participate in a conference marking International Women’s Day on 8 March.

The conference aims to draw international attention to the active involvement of women in Sierra Leone’s socio-economic development through the President’s Agenda for Change, and the new policy direction, Agenda for Prosperity, according to a UN press release issued today.

The policy is meant to lift some of the constraints preventing women from taking part in and benefitting from economic development in Sierra Leone. The country ranks as one of the lowest on the Human Development Index produced by the UN Development Programme (UNDP).

“Women’s empowerment and economic diversification are crucial if the country is to chart a new course for prosperity in the post-2015 context,” Mr. Yumkella, who is leading the UN team, said.

The UN officials will also meet with Government and civil society in their prospective areas, and discuss health, economic empowerment and climate change.