NIAS, det nordiske institut for Asien-studier, i København har lanceret et online-tidsskrift med artikler om Asien af yngre forskere. Det skal hjælpe forskere i norden med at komme ud til at bredere publikum.
Asia in Focus – a Nordic journal on Asia by early career researchers is a new online journal published by NIAS (nordisk institut for Asien-studier) where Master’s and Ph.D. students who are affiliated to a Nordic institution and working on Asia can publish their research. We are now very proud to present the first issue of the journal, NIAS says in a press release.
Over the years NIAS has helped new scholars at Nordic member institutions reach an audience outside their own turf, by giving courses on how to publish and how to reach a global readership.
By launching the Asia In Focus journal, we take this one step further and offer early career researchers a unique opportunity to publish their work: we provide more focused guidance and feedback than they would get from a mainstream journal, and give full recognition and respect to the stage they are at on their academic career ladder.
The first issue is freely available for reading and downloading at
In this first issue you will find works on family policies in Japan; popular resistance in China; challenging business communication between Finns and Chinese; the liberation of bonded labor in Nepal, and two more on the political culture of the country; and finally an article on problems related to migration from rural to urban areas in Bangladesh.
Please visit the journal homepage, or go to – our Nordic platform for Asia relevant resources for academics working on Asia.
In the enclosed Call for articles and on the journal website, you will find information on how to submit your own contribution to the next issue of Asia in Focus. If you have an interesting idea but are not sure if the topic will suit Asia in Focus, or if you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at