Ifølge en ny rapport fra IRENA rummer det afrikanske kontinent enorme muligheder for at bruge sol, vind og vand til at understøtte en eksplosiv, men alligevel potentielt bæredygtig, økonomisk vækst i fremtiden.
ABU DHABI, January, 2013 (IRENA): Africa has the potential and the ability to fuel the majority of its future growth with renewable energy, according to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
“Africa is undergoing a transformation, and has an unparalleled opportunity to use renewable energy to promote growth and improve millions of lives across the continent,” says Adnan Z. Amin, IRENA Director-General. “It’s an exciting moment, and IRENA is ready to play its role in assisting Africa on its path to a renewable energy future.”
Afrika kan vokse enormt på sit potentiale for vedvarende energi
With world-class solar and hydropower resources, complemented by bioenergy, wind, geothermal and marine resources in some regions, the report shows that Africa has the opportunity to leapfrog to modern renewable energy – unlocking huge economies of scale, and offering substantial benefits for equitable development, local value creation, energy security, and environmental sustainability.
Fra 1 til 2 milliarder frem til 2050
African countries are experiencing some of the world’s fastest economic and demographic growth, with six of the world’s ten fastest rising economies, and a population expected to increase from 1 to 2 billion people by 2050.
Policy makers face a choice: do they focus on dirty, often expensive and insecure fossil fuels, or do they embrace the continent’s massive renewable energy potential?
The decisions they take today will have a lasting impact on growth, environment, health and poverty reduction, as well as global CO2 emissions.
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