Russiske lastbiler til Afghanistan

Forfatter billede

Rusland har doneret 41 splinternye lastbiler til WFPs arbejde i Afghanistan. Donationen betyder, at WFP kan udskifte gamle køretøjer og dermed gøre hjælpearbejdet i det krigshærgede land mere effektivt. Gaven kommer som udtryk for Ruslands ønske om at støtte det afghanske folk.

The addition of 41 new, Russian-made Kamaz trucks to WFP’s fleet in Afghanistan will allow for the disposal of old, less-eficient vehicles.

WFP Afghanistan has received a donation of 41 trucks from the Government of the Russian Federation to support food delivery operations in the country. The donation, comprising 40 Kamaz brand cargo trucks and one mobile workshop, is valued at US$2.7 million.

– We are grateful to the Government of the Russian Federation for this generous donation, said WFP Afghanistan Country Director and Representative Louis Imbleau.

– Logistics is a key element in getting food to hungry people in Afghanistan. These trucks will replace vehicles in the WFP fleet that are long past their prime, and will be cheaper and more fuel-efficient to run.

This donation brings the size of the WFP-owned fleet in Afghanistan to 174 vehicles. Many of these trucks have covered thousands of kilometres in the country and are more than 20 years old. The new trucks each have a capacity of 14 metric tons.

– The Russian Federation is dedicated to supporting the people of Afghanistan, said H.E. Andrey Avetisyan, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

– We are confident that these trucks will serve WFP well in its humanitarian work in the country, he said.