Rwanda: Siddende præsident beskyldes for medansvar under folkemord

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En tidligere allieret anklager nu præsident Paul Kagame for at have beordret nedstyrtningen af det fly, landets forhenværende præsident Juvenal Habyarimana befandt sig i, da han døde. Derfor deler han ansvaret for folkemordet i 1994, siger Rudasingwa til BBC online.

KIGALI, 4. October 2011: A former ally of Rwandan President Paul Kagame has accused him of complicity (medskyldighed) in the death of a former president, which sparked (udløste) the 1994 genocide, BBC reports on Tuesday.

Theogene Rudasingwa said he heard Mr Kagame boast (prale af) in 1994 that he ordered the shooting down of the plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana.

– By committing that kind of crime Kagame has the responsibility in the crime of genocide, Rudasingwa told BBC online.

President Kagame has repeatedly denied any involvement in the attack.

Mr Rudasingwa, who lives in the US, has fallen out with Mr Kagame in recent years and was sentenced in absentia in March to a 24-year jail term for threatening state security and propagating ethnic divisions.

Some 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus died in the genocide which began on the evening of 6 April 1994, after Mr Habyarimana and Burundi’s leader died in the plane crash.