Rwanda vil tilbyde mænd at blive steriliseret i kamp mod folketallet

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For at begrænse befolkningstilvæksten i Rwanda har regeringen bedt sundhedspersonale over hele landet om at foreslå sterilisation til de mænd, som de kommer i kontakt med i forbindelse med den HIV forebyggelseskampagne, som netop er lanceret. Sådan lyder det fra BBC.

Vasectomies (sterilisation) are uncommon in the Central African country and the move may meet resistance. A vasectomy is often irreversible. The operation for a male sterilisation takes about 15 minutes and can be carried out in a clinic under local anaesthetic.

The Rwandan government has been encouraging male circumcision since 2008 as the UN World Health Organization says it reduces the risk of heterosexual HIV infection. Health Minister Richard Sezibera said the government aimed to have 700,000 men circumcised in the next three years.

Apart from condom use, birth control is usually left to women to organise. – Sometimes men are really in need of having birth control but they will not use condoms every day, every time, Sam Kyaggambiddwa of Urunana, a local non-governmental organisation that promotes reproductive health through radio dramas, told the BBC.

Experts say a slowdown in Rwanda’s fast-growing population, which the UN estimates was 10,2 million in 2010, would help improve living standards.