Skal private hære overtage krigene?

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To nye publikationer fra Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) ser nærmere på konsekvenserne ved at lade private soldater overtage stadigt flere opgaver fra det internationale samfunds styrker.

Military capacity is under pressure. It is increasingly restrained by financial restrictions, budget cuts and declining birth rates while at the same time the number of conflicts and demand for security are rising.

Private military companies take over some of the burden, relieving soldiers from some of the tasks. For that reason the industry of private military and private military security is booming.

Sådan hedder det indledningsvis i papirerne fra forskerne på Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) med titlerne:

“Private Military Companies in Counter-insurgency Strategy” by Christa Moesgaard & Stine Heiselberg, DIIS Policy Brief

“Weak International Response to the Use of Private Military Security Companies” by Christa Moesgaard, DIIS Policy Brief