Donor-overvejelser: Er Burma værd at hjælpe?
Analysis: Burma waiting for development aid YANGON (Rangoon), 10 August 2009 (IRIN): Burma is one of the least-funded countries in…
11. august 2009 | Asien -
Stribe af nye forskningspapirer fra UNDP
Vi har modtaget følgende fra FNs Udviklingsprogram (UNDP): Release of latest Human Development Research Papers The Human Development Research Paper…
10. august 2009 | Asien -
Klimaændinger truer Stillehavsøerne
CAIRNS, 6 August 2009: Climate change poses an existential threat to the Pacific Island countries and may further aggravate conflicts…
8. august 2009 | Asien -
FN-analyse: Udviklingshjælp til Afghanistan skal gives til de stabile zoner
KABUL, 6 August 2009 (IRIN): Development aid should be targeted at stable provinces in central Afghanistan where projects can be…
7. august 2009 | Asien -
Indien dødsdømmer tre for bombeangrebet i Mumbai
A court in India has sentenced to death three people for carrying out bombings that killed more than 50 people…
6. august 2009 | Asien -
Kvindetribunal går i clinch med hiv og trafficking
BALI, 5 August 2009: Harrowing personal stories narrated by more than 20 women who have endured trafficking, violence, exploitation and…
6. august 2009 | Asien -
Filippinerne: 375.000 ramt af oversvømmelser
MANILA, 3 August 2009 (IRIN): At least eight people have drowned and more than 375.000 been affected by massive flooding…
3. august 2009 | Asien -
Afghanistan: FN udsending fordømmer vold i forbindelse med valget
NEW YORK, 2 August 2009: The top United Nations official in Afghanistan Sunday condemned violent attacks on presidential hopefuls ahead…
3. august 2009 | Asien -
Gaza – hvor børn svømmer i kloakvand
GAZA: Swimming in sewage GAZA CITY, 2 August 2009 (IRIN): Less than 50 meters from a black, barrel-sized pipe pouring…
2. august 2009 | Asien -
Rapport: Indien nu verdens hungercenter – flere sultende end i Afrika
India is emerging as the world centre of hunger and malnutrition, a report by Indian campaign group, the Navdanya Trust,…