Undtagelsestilstand i Bangkok, ASEAN aflyser topmøde
Soldiers and tanks have appeared in Bangkok after Thai authorities declared a state of emergency, a day after protests cancelled…
12. april 2009 | Asien -
Video af piskning af pige vækker opstandelse i Pakistan
PAKISTAN: Video footage of flogging sends shockwaves across country PESHAWAR, 7.
11. april 2009 | Asien -
Indonesien: Valgresultatet kendes først i maj
Votes are being counted in Indonesia’s third parliamentary elections since democracy was introduced a decade ago.
10. april 2009 | Asien -
Burma: Frygt for at fagforeningsledere udsættes for tortur
BRUXELLES, 9 April 2009 (ITUC OnLine): The International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC, has condemned the arrest by the Burmese military…
10. april 2009 | Asien -
Fredsforhandlinger i Pakistan bryder sammen
A religious leader who negotiated an agreement that ended fighting between the Taliban and security forces in Pakistan’s Swat valley…
9. april 2009 | Asien -
FN advarer mod risiko for blodbad i det nordlige Sri Lanka
NEW YORK, 8 April 2009: Time is running out for the thousands of civilians trapped in northern Sri Lanka amid…
9. april 2009 | Asien -
Torsdag har 171 millioner indonesere mulighed for at vælge et nyt parlament
Voters in Indonesia are preparing to elect a new national parliament, in a vote that will shape how the world’s…
8. april 2009 | Asien -
Kærlighed og sex i hiv-tider, filmfestival i Cambodia
NEW YORK, 7 April 2009: Last month audiences in selected Cambodian provinces had the chance to see the Khmer film…
8. april 2009 | Asien -
Nedsat straf til irakisk skokaster
An Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George Bush, the former US president, has had his sentence reduced from…
8. april 2009 | Asien -
UNICEF: 50 millioner udsat for arsénholdigt vand i Asien
A total of 60 million people in the world are exposed to high levels of arsenic in water (arsénholdigt vand)…
6. april 2009 | Asien