Rapport: 10 millioner pigefostre aborteret i Indien
Hele 10 millioner fostre kan være aborteret i Indien siden midten af 1990erne, fordi vordende forældre er tilbøjelige til at…
9. januar 2006 -
Indien køber 68 passagerfly for 50 milliarder af Boeing
The Indian cabinet has cleared the purchase of 68 Boeing aircraft by state-run national airline Air India. The deal is…
16. december 2005 -
Arbejder på dansk-indisk projekt om Trankebar i Sydindien
The National Museum of Denmark has over the last year worked closely with Associate Professor, dr.phil. Esther Fihl, head of…
12. december 2005 -
IT-mastodonter lancerer nye milliardinvesteringer i Indien
The US software giant Microsoft has unveiled plans to invest 1,7billion US dollar (10,5 milliarder DKR) in India over the…
7. december 2005 -
Verdensbanken forudser høj vækst i Indien i 2006 og overvejer at gå ind i flere landbrugsprojekter
The World Bank on Monday said it expects the Indian economy to grow by 8 percent this fiscal year but…
6. december 2005 -
Indien vil poste milliarder i storbyer
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has launched an ambitious plan to improve infrastructure in major cities, BBC Online reports Monday.…
6. december 2005 -
Indien og Vestafrika i milliard-swop: Bistand for olie
India Offers 1 Billion dollar Sweetener For West Africa Oil Deals. India is offering credit of up to 1 billion…
27. november 2005 | Afrika -
IFC vil satse på Indien
The private sector arm of the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) plans to invest 500 million dollar in…
10. november 2005 -
USAs finansminister til Indien: Åbn flere sektorer for udenlandske investorer – potentialet er jo enormt
US Treasury Secretary John Snow has asked India to consider opening its financial, insurance and pension fund sector to foreign…
9. november 2005 -
Indiens udenrigsminister går
Indiens udenrigsminister, Natwar Singh, er trådt tilbage som en konsekvens af det skandaleramte olie for mad-program i Irak. Dermed bliver…
8. november 2005