Kofi Annan
Annan til G8-landene: År 2000 udviklingsmålene for en bedre verden bør stå øverst på jeres dagsorden
Ahead of the upcoming meeting of the Group of Eight leading industrialized countries, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has urged…
8. juni 2004 -
Kommentar: Per Stig! Få FN på banen i Nepal
Af Inge Duus Hjortlund, projektsekretær i Operation Dagsværk og Jakob Holtze, landekoordinator for Nepal i Amnesty Internationals danske afdeling Den…
7. juni 2004 -
U-landene vil nedbryde toldbarrierer imellem sig – kan udløse milliardgevinst
The worlds developing nations are to launch a new round of negotiations to reduce mutual trade barriers and secure their…
7. juni 2004 -
Kenya: Bistand fra 4 FN-organisationer for en lille milliard
Four United Nations agencies and the Kenyan government on Friday launched new funding programmes for Kenya under which the agencies…
2. juni 2004 -
Annan: Det går fremad i Liberia, men store udfordringer forude
United Nations troops have made steady progress in stabilizing Liberia and are now deployed almost throughout the country but challenges…
2. juni 2004 -
Stort seminar i København om krisestyring
The Copenhagen Seminar on Civilian Crisis Management Hvordan kan FN og medlemslandene blive bedre rustet til at håndtere fejlslagne stater…
2. juni 2004 -
Sudan: krigens parter enige om fred
According to BBC News Sudans government and main rebel group Wednesday signed key deals clearing the way for a full…
27. maj 2004 -
Annan: Tabet af Jordens biologiske mangfoldighed er forfærdende
With biological diversity now recognized as crucial to sustainable development and the eradication of poverty, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan…
21. maj 2004 -
Annan: Gå nu til forhandlingsbordet i Burma
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan Saturday urged the parties in Myanmar (Burma) to try to reach agreement that would allow…
14. maj 2004 -
Annan: Urbefolkninger stadig udsat for fordomme og diskrimination
lidarity and respect as UN indigenous peoples forum opens With native peoples worldwide continuing to encounter systemic prejudice and discrimination,…
11. maj 2004