Kofi Annan
FN-chefer i kø for at hylde Peter Ustinovs eftermæle
Secretary-General Kofi Annan led United Nations officials in paying tribute Tuesday after the death of actor Peter Ustinov, who served…
31. marts 2004 -
Annan fyrer topfolk efter kritisk Irak-rapport
Secretary-General Kofi Annan Monday announced a series of disciplinary measures, including calls for the resignation of senior UN officials, following…
30. marts 2004 -
Angrende Annan om Rwanda: Jeg kunne have gjort mere
Just days ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the United Nations Friday hosted a memorial…
29. marts 2004 -
Chok over FN-drab i Kosovo
The following statement was issued Wednesday by the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan: The Secretary-General is shocked and outraged at…
25. marts 2004 -
Annan skaber rådgivende panel om vand og sanitet for at nå 2015 Mål
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has used this years observance of World Water Day to announce the establishment of an…
22. marts 2004 -
UNEP-chef gør miljøregnskabet op efter 10 år
Fighting climate change makes economic sense in the long run because using energy more efficiently will ultimately produce enormous financial…
22. marts 2004 -
Eksperter vil dele FNs generalforsamling i 2
Six facilitators have proposed that the New York-based United Nations General Assembly break with decades of tradition and divide its…
22. marts 2004 -
Annan vil undersøge mulig FN-svindel
FNs generalsekretær, Kofi Annan, ønsker en uafhængig undersøgelse af beskyldninger om svindel og korruption i FN-programmet, som kontrollerede Iraks salg…
20. marts 2004 -
Annan: Tolerance og inter-kulturel dialog vigtigere end nogensinde
Tolerance, inter-kulturel dialog og respekt for forskelligheder er vigtigere end nogensinde, siger FNs generalsekretær, Kofi Annan i sit budskab til…
18. marts 2004 -
Annan hylder første al-afrikanske parlament
The inauguration Thursday of the African Unions (AU) Pan African Parliament marks the implementation of a long-held commitment by African…
18. marts 2004 | Afrika