Kofi Annan
Workshop om hvordan man imødegår FNs kritikere
Representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Thursday gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York to hear ideas on how to…
20. februar 2004 -
Fik over en halv milliard dollars til at genopbygge Liberia
Donors meeting at the United Nations in New York Friday pledged 520 million dollars to help Liberia to meet a…
7. februar 2004 -
Søger næsten en halv milliard dollars til at genopbygge Liberia
A donors conference seeking almost 500 million dollars for the next two years to help Liberia rebuild from its devastating…
5. februar 2004 -
Annan til EU: Hjælp flygtninge
Det var et stort tilløbsstykke, da FNs generalsekretær Kofi Annan i går besøgte Europaparlamentet for at modtage årets Sakharov-pris.
30. januar 2004 -
Ny komite og særlig rapportør foreslås til at forebygge folkedrab
FNs generalsekretær, Kofi Annan opfordrede på Det Internationale Forum til Forebyggelse af Folkedrab i Stockholm forleden verdenssamfundet til øjeblikkeligt at…
30. januar 2004 -
Annan: udviklingstopmøde i juni
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan Friday told the World Economic Forum in Davos that the spotlight had veered away from…
23. januar 2004 -
Annan: Tilbage til fattigdomsorienteringen
After a year in which Iraq monopolized worldwide attention, the international community should concentrate in 2004 on priorities such as…
22. januar 2004 -
Øget fare for krig på Afrikas horn
The following statement was issued Tuesday by the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan: The Secretary-General is deeply concerned by the…
21. januar 2004 | Afrika -
FN allerede aktiv i Irak
On January 19th United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan apprised representatives of the Coalition Provisional Authority and the Iraqi Governing Council…
20. januar 2004 -
Annan overvejer FNs rolle i Irak
Emerging from what he called a very frank and open exchange of views with top coalition and Iraqi officials, UN…
20. januar 2004