Kofi Annan
Topmediefolk vil gå ind i aids-oplysningskampagne
Leading executives from worldwide media organizations gathered Thursday at United Nations Headquarters in New York to meet with Secretary-General Kofi…
16. januar 2004 -
Liberia vil anmode om 200-300 mio. dollars i genopbygningsbistand
Liberias transitional government will seek between 200 million and 300 million dollars of foreign aid for a national reconstruction plan…
10. januar 2004 -
FN: tvivl om junivalg i Afghanistan (engelsk)
Insecurity in Afghanistan has impeded voter registration efforts, putting in jeopardy an election planned for June, a United Nations spokesman…
9. januar 2004 -
FN beder om næsten 55 mio. dollars i 2004 til menneskeretsorganer
The United Nations human rights agency has appealed for 54,8 million dollars in contributions to fund activities in 2004 and…
5. januar 2004 -
FN: Hjælpehold og penge til Irans jordskælvsramte
With Irans Government reporting heavy casualties from an earthquake which rocked the southeastern part of the country, the United Nations…
27. december 2003 -
FN: Nyt 2-års budget på 3,16 milliarder dollars
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a 3,16 billion (milliarder) dollars biannual budget for 2004-2005 that shows no growth…
25. december 2003 -
Kofi Annan i Nytårsbudskab: Nu gælder det kampen mod fattigdommen
In a New Year message declaring that the war in Iraq had distracted efforts in 2003 to deal with threats…
25. december 2003 -
FNs Sikkerhedsråd bakker op om fredsprocessen i Burundi
The United Nations Security Council Monday reiterated its full support for the nascent peace process in Burundi, approving the Secretary-Generals…
22. december 2003 -
Annan: Gør 2004 til de opfyldte løfters år
Decrying a lack of progress in tackling the many serious problems currently facing the world, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan…
18. december 2003 -
Tættere på krigsforbryderdomstol i Cambodja
A United Nations team and the Government of Cambodia have agreed on a number of steps necessary to establish a…
18. december 2003