Zoellick: Uganda kan spille en væsentlig rolle i den regionale integration
KAMPALA, August 13, 2009: Uganda can harness its central location in the East African region to promote regional integration and…
14. august 2009 | Afrika -
NGOer i DR Congo-appel til Hillary Clinton: Sæt ind mod den blodige krig og massevoldtægten
DR Congo: Hillary Clinton Should Highlight Rape and Justice Issues Since the start of military operations in January 2009, killings…
11. august 2009 | Afrika -
Militær leder: FN styrkerne i Afrika mangler mandskab og materiel
NEW YORK, 6 August 2009: The military chiefs of the United Nations’ largest and most complex peacekeeping operations urged Member…
7. august 2009 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken forsøger at skaffe investorer til Afrika
WASHINGTON, 6 August 2009: World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick next week begins a three-nation African tour to encourage…
7. august 2009 | Afrika -
Uganda vil af med flygtninge fra Rwanda
KAMPALA, 4 August 2009 (IRIN) – Thousands of Rwandan refugees in Uganda could lose their status following the expiry of…
5. august 2009 | Afrika -
Ny teori om årsagen til krigen i østlige Congo: Trækul
GOMA, 28 July 2009 (IRIN): Charcoal profits are helping to fuel the conflict in the eastern part of DR Congo,…
28. juli 2009 | Afrika -
2 nye lande med i Østafrikansk Toldunion
Rwanda and Burundi have joined the East African Community Customs Union, which should lead to lower prices, as goods from…
7. juli 2009 | Afrika -
Rwanda vil rationere sit vand på grund af tørken
Electrogaz, Rwanda’s public utility, is considering water rationing due to shortages caused by a prolonged drought in parts of the…
3. juli 2009 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: Ikke megen fremgang mod korruption
World Bank Finds Little Improvement In Global Governance While some countries are making strides in improving accountability and tackling corruption,…
30. juni 2009 | Afrika -
Gordon Brown: Twitter ville have stoppet folkemordet i Rwanda
Twitter ville have stoppet folkemordet i Rwanda, siger den britiske premierminister Gordon Brown med henvisning til Irans såkaldte Twitter-revolution. Det…
20. juni 2009 | Afrika