Danida samarbejder med avis om at sende 15 danskere ud at bo i et u-land – og rapportere hjem om det
15 danskere får nu via et samarbejde mellem Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten og Danidas Oplysningsudvalg mulighed for at bo 3 uger i…
18. august 2004 -
Program for små og mellemstore virksomheder i Afrika begunstiges af Verdensbanken
Over 400 million US dollar (2,45 mia. DKR) in loans has been secured by small and medium business enterprises in…
18. august 2004 | Afrika -
Afrikansk topmøde vil undertegne endelig fredsaftale for Burundi – en af Afrikas blodpøle
Heads of state from countries in and around the Great Lakes are due to meet on Wednesday to ratify a…
17. august 2004 | Afrika -
Kommentator: Blot lidt mere hjælp til Afrika nu, vil spare milliarder i fremtiden
In an article in The Economist Jeffrey Sachs argues, that even a relatively small increase in aid financing to promote…
17. august 2004 | Afrika -
Annan udpeger 2 topkvinder i FN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan Thursday announced the appointment of two women to senior posts in the United Nations dealing with gender…
13. august 2004 -
FN-rapport: “Landgrabbing” har båret ved til bålet i DR Congos borgerkrig – også Uganda dybt involveret
The Ituri district in the northeastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is undergoing one of the…
11. august 2004 -
Rapport: Hvis Cambodja skal ud af fattigdommen, må landet gøre sig meget mere attraktivt at investere i
For Cambodia to grow its economy and reduce poverty, the Government needs to act immediately and decisively to improve the…
11. august 2004 -
Begejstrede østafrikanske ledere efter møde med ny IMF-chef
East African countries on Friday called for a bigger say in the running of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and…
9. august 2004 | Afrika -
IMF-chef møder afrikanske ledere og spår pæn vækst på kontinentet næste år
The managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Rodrigo de Rato, met several African leaders in the central Ugandan…
7. august 2004 | Afrika -
Nyt centralafrikansk initiativ mod hiv/aids
In an effort to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Great Lakes region, government ministers from six countries signed…
2. august 2004 | Afrika