ILO og WHO kræver bedre arbejdsmiljø – arbejdsulykker og job-afledte sygdomme koster nu over 2 millioner livet om året
With job-related accidents and illnesses claiming more than two million lives each year, and the toll rising because of rapid…
28. april 2005 -
Kendt lægetidsskrift: Parnerskab mod malaria er slået fejl
An international partnership of more than 90 organizations and countries to reduce global deaths from malaria has failed to control…
23. april 2005 -
Ny vaccinationskampagne mod børnelammelse skal nå 100 millioner afrikanske børn
Africas second phase of inoculations against the polio virus started over the weekend and is designed to reach 100 million…
12. april 2005 | Afrika -
WHO i årsrapport: Millioner kan reddes – og der skal så lidt til
In its annual World Health Report 2005, this year titled “Make Every Mother and Child Count,” the World Health Organization…
8. april 2005 -
Verdens sundhedsdag 2005 dedikeret til 2 af 2015 Målene
The World Health Day 2005 is commemorated Thursday (7 April) and is dedicated to the theme of “Healthy Mothers and…
7. april 2005 -
Ny stor rapport (1): Menneskeheden må standse udplyndringen af Jordens ressourcer – ellers slår naturen igen med forfærdende kraft
The emergence of new diseases, sudden changes in water quality, creation of coastal “dead zones”, the collapse of fisheries and…
31. marts 2005 -
Vaccine på vej mod en af verdens store børnedræbere – lungebetændelse
With pneumonia (lungebetændelse) estimated to kill nearly 2 million children worldwide every year, top UN health officials have welcomed the…
29. marts 2005 -
Annan opfordrer til indædt kamp mod tuberkulose
Five thousand people die from tuberculosis every day, although the disease is both preventable and curable, UN Secretary General Kofi…
24. marts 2005 -
WHO udpeger etiopisk supermodel som goodwill-ambassadør
With half a million women dying during childbirth each year and 11 million children never seeing their fifth birthday, the…
8. marts 2005 -
Historisk anti-tobakstraktat bliver international lov
The UN global treaty on tobacco came into force Sunday (27. February) with a plea to all countries to join…
28. februar 2005