Historisk anti-tobakstraktat bliver international lov
The UN global treaty on tobacco came into force Sunday (27. February) with a plea to all countries to join…
28. februar 2005 -
Aids-epidemien er slem i Sydafrika, men måske ikke så slem alligevel
The number of deaths in South Africa increased by 57 percent in the five years ending in 2003, with AIDS…
26. februar 2005 | Afrika -
Rapport: Palæstinensiske kvinder rammes hårdt af tabet af ægtefæller
Palestinian women are suffering massively from malnutrition, especially when they are pregnant and nursing, and have high rates of poverty…
15. februar 2005 -
FN-udsending: Børnebehandling mod hiv/aids kan være klar i Afrika om 18 måneder
The United Nations childrens and public health agencies may be able to develop and market anti-HIV/AIDS formulations for children within…
8. februar 2005 | Afrika -
De 3 sidste asiatiske lande med polio rede til at udrydde sygdommen inden årets udgang
As the United Nations health agency seeks to make polio (børnelammelse) the first disease in the 21st century to be…
4. februar 2005 -
Nye penge til at vaccinere børn i u-landene fra Bill Gates – og Norge
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Tuesday pledged a 750 million US dollar (3,9 milliarder DKR) grant over 10 years…
26. januar 2005 -
FNs aids-chef får 4 år mere
The head of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has been reappointed for another four years to spearhead…
25. januar 2005 -
FN hjælper Vietnam med at bekæmpe fugleinfluenza
WHO hjælper nu Vietnam med at bekæmpe fugleinfluenza. Der har været to nye tilfælde. The UN News Service reports: 7…
7. januar 2005 -
WHO i alarm: Verden vil mangle halvdelen af de nødvendige medicindoser mod den mest dødbringende malaria-variant i 2005
Only half the 60 million doses of medicine needed next year to fight the deadliest form of malaria are likely…
22. december 2004 -
WHO indvier virtuelt kommandocenter mod epidemier
After months of testing, the United National public health agency Wednesday opened an emergency response centre to head off illnesses…
16. december 2004