WHO advarer om mangel på malaria-medicin og foreslår alternativer
As increasing demand for artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for malaria is likely to result in a shortage in the next…
9. november 2004 -
UNICEF håber på en “koalition af de stærke” for at kunne vaccinere alle verdens børn
With some 2 million children dying annually from vaccine-preventable diseases, United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) chief Carol Bellamy Monday called…
12. oktober 2004 -
Pesticid-forgiftning rammer stadig flere børn i u-landene
Pesticide poisoning is a serious health problem that disproportionately affects infants and children in the developing world, three United Nations…
6. oktober 2004 -
Stor FN-kampagne mod global mødredødelighed
With at least one woman in developing countries dying in childbirth every minute – more than half a million annually…
29. september 2004 -
Nye WHO-retningslinjer skal sikre verden rent drikkevand
New recommendations released Tuesday by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) aim to ensure the safety of drinking water…
21. september 2004 -
FN: Mellem 3 og 6 gange flere fordrevne end ventet dør hver dag i vestlige og nordlige Darfur
More than 200 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are dying every day in North and West Darfur in Sudan because of…
14. september 2004 -
Hjælp til orkanofre i Caribien
UN agencies hurry relief preparations as deadly United Nations humanitarian agencies are accelerating the deployment of staff and emergency kits…
9. september 2004 -
Darfur op i Sikkerhedsrådet
According to a press release from the UN, the Security Council will hold consultations Thursday afternoon on the humanitarian and…
9. september 2004 | Afrika -
Kvinder og unge bør have større indflydelse på aids-vaccine tests
With women at least twice as likely to become infected with HIV as men when exposed to the virus that…
1. september 2004 -
Verdens største kampagne mod børneorm når ud til 4,5 mio. børn i Afghanistan – og for under en halv mio. dollars
For a cost of less than half a million dollars, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has completed its…
31. august 2004