World Trade Organization
WTO-panel bortdømmer stor del af EUs sukkerstøtte – sejr for u-landene
The European Unions regime for subsidizing sugar farmers was declared illegal by the World Trade Organization Wednesday in a landmark…
5. august 2004 -
UNCTAD-chef hilser handelsgennembrud velkommen
The decisions adopted last weekend by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to end export subsidies and reduce import tariffs around…
5. august 2004 -
Kommentarer om WTO-mødet: En mulighed for at redde Doha-runden om global frihandel
The member governments of the WTO have until July 30 to agree on a package of framework agreements in agriculture,…
27. juli 2004 -
Globale handelsforhandlinger: Selv en beskeden aftale er bedre end alternativet – som kan kaste WTO ud i turbulens
Last Chance for the World Trade Talks: Even a Modest Deal is Better than the Alternative As the struggle to…
20. juli 2004 -
Forhandlere kæmper for at holde deadline 30. juli om globale handelsliberaliseringer
Leading trade powers struggled at the weekend to salvage the Doha world trade round in the face of a threatened…
13. juli 2004 -
WTO synes tæt på at holde juli-deadline om global handelsaftale
World Trade Organization members are “within striking distance” of hitting their self-imposed end of July target for an outline trade…
1. juli 2004 -
WTO nærmer sig afgørelsen i juli: Landbrugssubsidier på vej ud
As the 147 states in the World Trade Organization edge towards an end of July deadline for the broad outline…
29. juni 2004 -
FN-rapport: Etiopien er nok fattigt, men mulighederne for udenlandske investorer er store
Ethiopia is one of the poorest nations on earth, but it has the potential to be a land of opportunity…
26. juni 2004 -
WTO går imod amerikanske bomuldssubsidier – kan bl.a. hjælpe fattige afrikanske bomuldsdyrkere
In a landmark decision, the World Trade Organization has ruled against American cotton subsidies in a case brought by Brazil,…
22. juni 2004 | Afrika -
USA støtter Etiopiens ansøgning til WTO
The United States government has pledged to throw its weight behind Ethiopias efforts to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO),…
16. juni 2004