Drastisk nedgang i kokaproduktion i 3 Andeslande
The area under coca cultivation in the Andean region, which produces almost all of the worlds cocaine, slumped to a…
21. juni 2004 -
Jan Pronk bliver øverste FN-mand i Sudan
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan intends to appoint Jan Pronk of the Netherlands his Special Representative for Sudan and head…
20. juni 2004 -
Zambianske NGOer: Mere gennemsigtighed i bistanden
Zambian civil society has called for more transparency in loan arrangements between the government and donors. The call came in…
20. juni 2004 -
UNCTAD lancerer Virtual Intitute on Trade and Development
In a pioneering bid to energize local-level action towards closing the gap between information “haves and have-nots,” the eleventh session…
20. juni 2004 -
Søndag er verdens flygtningedag
World Refugee Day this Sunday will celebrate the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) and its…
20. juni 2004 -
MS: Danmark bør arbejde for, at EU beholder en særlig udviklingskommissær
Bistandspolitik: Anders Fogh som progressiv? Statsministeren bør arbejde for en selvstændig udviklingskommissær Af Søren Hougaard, formand for Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (MS)…
17. juni 2004 -
FAO: At mætte verden kræver, at vi går nye veje
The world population will increase from 6 billion to 9 billion by 2050, requiring a 60 per cent increase in…
17. juni 2004 -
WFP overvejer at køre mad til Darfur gennem Sahara
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Wednesday that it was seriously looking at the possibility of trucking food…
17. juni 2004 -
Zambia belønnes af Valutafonden: Får atter midler fra anti-fattigdomsprogram
After applying a series of austerity measures, Zambia is back on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Poverty Reduction and Growth…
17. juni 2004 -
EU vil lægge pres på Sudans regering
Det internationale samfund er på vej til at lægge pres på Sudans regering for at sikre hjælpen til ofrene for…
17. juni 2004 | Afrika