Haarder afløser Nielson
En ting er givet. Det er, at socialdemokraten Poul Nielson ikke fortsætter som EU-kommissær, når hans nuværende fire års periode…
19. januar 2004 -
WFP: Usikker på, hvor mange malawianere, der trues af sult
The World Food Programme (WFP) said it was unable to endorse a government statement that 3,5 million Malawians were in…
16. januar 2004 -
Topmediefolk vil gå ind i aids-oplysningskampagne
Leading executives from worldwide media organizations gathered Thursday at United Nations Headquarters in New York to meet with Secretary-General Kofi…
16. januar 2004 -
FN gør et nyt forsøg på at udrydde børnelammelse: Vil vaccinere 250 millioner børn
With a bold new plan for massive campaigns to immunize 250 million children against polio, the six remaining polio-endemic countries…
16. januar 2004 -
Donorer lover en milliard dollars til at genopbygge Burundi de næste 3 år
Donors have pledged 810 million euro (1,03 billion dollars) to fund the reconstruction of Burundi over three years, the Belgian…
15. januar 2004 -
FN: 7,2 millioner etiopere behøver stadig fødevarehjælp
Despite a good harvest, 7,2 million Ethiopians, nearly one in 10, will require outside aid to meet minimum food requirements…
15. januar 2004 -
Uganda får frist om tortur-rapport fra FN
The United Nations Committee Against Torture has given the Ugandan government until June to submit its report on torture and…
15. januar 2004 -
WHO lancerer masse-vaccination mod kolera i Mozambique
The United Nations health agency has launched its broadest mass cholera vaccination campaign to date in its first-ever effort to…
15. januar 2004 -
Indien og Bangladesh tæller tigre med hjælp fra FN
Bangladesh and India have announced they will begin conducting a census of tigers Wednesday supported by the United Nations Development…
14. januar 2004 -
Palæstinensisk gruppe anklages for misbrug af bistand
Palæstinensisk politi har anholdt den fremtrædende menneskeretsaktivist, Khader Shkirat, som anklages for misbrug af bistandsmidler fra bl.a. Danmark og Norge,…
13. januar 2004