Tilbyder livsforsikring til udsendte i kampen mod ebola

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forsikringsselskab tilbyder nu en livsforsikring, der også dækker dødsfald under indsatser mod den frygtede ebola-virus. Selskabet mener det er relevant for NGOer og andre, der udsender personel til hårdt ramte lande i Vestafrika. 

The Global Benefits Group (GBG Insurance) has announced the launch of an Ebola inclusive life insurance product, the company annonces in a press release.

Aimed at those workers operating in high risk areas, including health workers operating directly with the disease, the policy aims to provide a level of cover specifically for the unique risks, that Ebola presents.

GBG insurance has collaborated with Lloyds of London to provide a policy (police) that will pay-out in the event of death caused by Ebola and provides cover for workers operating in segments of 30 days, up to one year, in affected high risk areas.

Currently no international carriers offer air transport for Ebola victims, therefore this policy does not provide for emergency air evacuation.

Policies can be combined with GBG travel policies or other products which provide the usual range of insurance solutions GBG is known for, or alternatively customized packages can be created for ex pat and local staff incorporating the Ebola cover.

Omkring beløbs ramme, da kan man som udgangspunkt forsikre op til 5 x årlig indkomst, og præmien vil ligge på ca. 2% af beløbet for personer som direkte beskæftiger sig med Ebola dvs læger, doktorer, etc. 

Anders Blak fra GBG Insurance Ltd. siger udbyggende om præmiens størrele til U-landsnyt.dk:

“Omkring beløbsramme, da kan man som udgangspunkt forsikre op til fem gange årlig indkomst, og præmien vil ligge på ca. to procent af beløbet for personer, som direkte beskæftiger sig med ebola, dvs læger, doktorer, etc.” 

GBG Insurance om GBG Insurance

Global Benefits Group (GBG) is the largest independent, fully integrated provider of international benefits in the world. In 2014, GBG celebrates its 34th year of serving the needs of expatriates, third-country nationals and local nationals. 

Because of its underwriting platform, serving as leading underwriters, developers and distributors, GBG can offer a multitude of insurance products inluding health, life, income replacement and special risks – to individuals, groups as small as five and large groups of any size anywhere in the world.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Anders Blak, GBG Insurance 

Tlf. +45 60 88 99 70 og e-mail: [email protected]

web: https://www.gbg.com