Top FN-kvinde kalder Danida modig og nytænkende på 50-års dagen

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Der var mange rosende ord fra chefen for FNs Verdensfødevareprogram (WFP), da Danida fredag markerede sit 50 års jubilæum med en daglang konference i København.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Danida, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) commends its bold and innovative leadership on humanitarian and development assistance, stated visitting WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran .

Danida has consistently been a leader in ensuring the more efficient and effective use of development aid – not only to save lives, but also to prevent and break the cycle of hunger at its root.

For half a century, WFP and Denmark have worked side by side on the frontlines of hunger, and Danida has been a strong, committed and reliable partner in the joint goal of helping the vulnerable – especially women and children – overcome the scourge of malnutrition.

Danida has helped lead the way on “Good Humanitarian Donorship” principles of giving through multilateral flexible funding, ensuring early reaction to timely lifesaving actions and greater results.

During a high-level conference Friday marking the anniversary, Josette Sheeran thanked Danida for its partnership in developing a risk framework for better managing humanitarian operations and staff security. WFP has introduced the “Copenhagen Risk Management Framework” throughout its operations worldwide.

Sheeran expressed appreciation for the vibrant and frank dialogue in Copenhagen amongst high level representatives from the EU, international organisations, donor countries and recipient nations.

She highlighted her meeting with Crown Princess Mary to discuss humanitarian issues following her visit to Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya. Denmark was one of the first to respond to the crisis in the Horn of Africa, reacting to the first signs of the drought.

Denmark currently holds the Presidency of the EU. In that role, Denmark has made food security a priority and has been instrumental in raising international awareness of the long-term solutions to food-security.

“Our generation is the first in history with enough resources to eradicate hunger worldwide. We now have the science, technology and the know-how. We have to stand together. As WFP and Danida both mark their 50th anniversaries, together, we remain committed in the fight to ensure that every child has an active and healthy future,” Sheeran concluded.


WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Each year, on average, WFP feeds more than 90 million people in more than 70 countries.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Anne Poulsen, WFP/Copenhagen, mobil 40 50 39 93
og e-mail: [email protected]